Inbound Marketing in 2016 - Why it's Essential to Your Web Success

Devising an effective inbound marketing strategy is vital for countless reasons, and is critical for the growth of business in terms of gaining exposure, building your brand, and truly 'connecting' with prospective leads and customers, members of your industry's target audience.   There are countless reasons this type of marketing is so essential to your success on the Internet, including: Outbound strategies simply aren't as effective as they once were.  Knocking people who may or may not be interested in your product or service over the head with flyers, cold calls, emails, or even 'snail mail' usually does nothing but irritate.  Today, consumers have become numb to these outbound strategies; essentially, they ignore your efforts.  People don't want to be sold to, but instead attracted to a product or service they want or need because of the value, information, or solution you offer that's unique or different in some way. Which would you prefer - a cold lead, or one that's already warm?  Of course a warm lead is better!  When a potential customer comes to you rather than the other way around, you know he or she is already interested in what you have to offer.  When your inbound marketing efforts result in someone reaching out to you, it's a given that person is more likely to become a customer.    

Trust Building: Cold Leads vs. Warm Leads

Inbound content results in a cumulative effect.  While the content you create must be fresh, original, and provide value to the reader, it's always there.  On the Internet, content doesn't disappear, it accumulates!  With inbound marketing, the content is always valuable - and that only adds to the value of previous content or content you create in the future.  Ultimately, this type of marketing promotes long-term growth. Building leads through inbound content creates a level of trust.  Potential customers have more respect for professionals who are knowledgeable and offer up useful content on a regular basis.  When a possible lead comes to you instead of the other way around, you have the opportunity not only to build trust, but a rapport that's critical for establishing a relationship and 'sealing the deal.' Inbound marketing isn't 'interruptive' as outbound marketing can be (and usually is).  Bombarding your target audience with ads and emails simply isn't effective today.  People have become blind to blatant ads; they don't like them, particularly pop-up ads that are truly interruptive in nature.  Most promotional emails get deleted.  Instead of being annoying and interruptive, why not be magnetic? Because leads are generated through outstanding content and persuasive offers in exchange for an email address, businesses don't have to pay a fortune for pay-per-click ads and other forms of advertising.  Through valuable, informative content and social media involvement, you can attract leads without burning a hole in your pocket.  Many inbound marketing strategies cost absolutely nothing, other than your time and effort.  What's not to like?  

Content’s Effect on Warm Leads

Content is the lifeblood of the Internet.  Quality content that informs, educates, provides answers and value, and is unique ranks higher in search engine results because like people, search engines want value.  Essentially, because your content attracts your target audience, you're meeting prospective clients where they're at!  You're blending in with the crowd instead of coming across as salesy - and salesy is a huge turn-off to most people.  

It’s a wrap

By now you should be beginning to understand that inbound marketing is not just important, it's critical to the success of your business online and making sure your brand is discovered.  Considering it costs less and requires far less effort than outbound marketing, if you aren't using this type of marketing for your business in 2016, you're truly missing out on the incredible benefits. If you find you need a leg up or have some questions connect with us!    

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