Gratz College Case Study

<span>Gratz College</span>
 Case Study Image


ImageX redesigned an aging proprietary site for Educational Services at Gratz College, a small Jewish university on the east coast of the United States.

The college offers mostly graduate programs, almost entirely online. We implemented a responsive retrofit, and then migrated necessary data to Drupal. The development team also upgraded the dynamic course listings available to students.

What They Needed

The client’s main challenge was that their previous CMS-driven site and hosting provider were proprietary, meaning they had difficulty in implementing even minor changes independently. There was great frustration in the restricted access to certain parts of their website where change was needed.

Due to the proprietary arrangement, the College team struggled to stay within their budget and their site was rapidly out of date. As a result, they were looking for a complete new design, moving to an open source solution which would allow them more control, within a limited budget.

How We Helped

We started working with Gratz College in December 2016 and the site went live in June 2017. We trained the client to confidently migrate content independently on the backend, using the OpenEDU framework, while our team took care of Drupal security updates and applicable customizations.

We retained a flexible agreement which allowed us to work with the client to meet their specific needs within a restricted budget. We maintained an extensive level of communication with the client through tools such as Basecamp, ensuring we could be responsive to all questions and that the given training allowed the client to be confidently self-sufficient post launch.

Words from
the client

Expert project management and communication skills let ImageX achieve what several other vendors believed impossible."

- Former Web Master and Administrative Coordinator, Gratz College

The Results

Working with the Gratz team to prioritize content, we completely revamped the website so that their valuable content was more visually presentable and the improved the overall website functionality. The new website was much more mobile friendly and accessibility challenges were met with solutions. The project was finished ahead of the timeline and under budget.