Dual-Coast Drupal - ImageX sponsors Drupal camps LA & NYC

Day 8 for me here at ImageX and already I get to dive into my first Drupal Camp. One of the main reasons I joined ImageX to be their Marketing Manager was because of their relentless desire to create meaningful relationships and give back to community. Being a Drupal newbie, I’m looking forward to attending as many events as possible to learn the lingo and get up to speed on why Drupal is the best web technology available today. h2. The Triangle of Impact As a Marketer, I’m always looking for better methods to engage a target audience. I’ve learned that making a lasting impression and building authentic relationships takes a dedicated investment of time and attention to build credibility. A study conducted by "Clear":http://www.clear-ideas.com/ on brand desirability suggests that it’s a balance of substance, energy and connection - what they’ve coined as the “Triangle of Impact”. These qualities are said to have a major influence on how any brand can make someone think, feel and act. Substance is more than just a great product or service but ensuring it plays a meaningful role in someone’s life. Energy is about the realistic and genuine ambition that drives us to success that others want to share. Connection is the brand personality that makes you want to connect - the same way you try to make friends with others. The easy part for me coming into this position is that ImageX already believes in these qualities. ImageX does their best to do everything possible to make sure the web community knows we are available to them as a resource and are present at as many events as possible so we have a forum to connect, share and learn together. To connect further, we’re also expanding our reach! We are so excited to be opening up our LA Headquarters on August 1st and we hope being at DrupalCamp LA will be a great chance to really get to know names and faces of the LA web community. (_So don’t be shy, come say Hi_!) _But wait! There’s more!_ (OK, I promise never to use these infomercial tactics in any campaigns!) We’re going bicoastal this weekend! We’ll have a booth set up at Drupal camps in both LA & New York so make sure to stop by, score some swag and catch our "OpenEDU":http://imagexmedia.com/openedu demo. (Also, find out how you can get a job with ImageX!!) h2. ImageX at Drupal camp LA & New York... We’re thrilled to be the Platinum sponsor of Drupal Camp LA at UC Irvine July 13 & 14. Our CEO Glenn Hilton is leading a session on "How to Recruit and Retain Top Talent":http://2013.drupalcampla.com/sessions/how-recruit-and-retain-top-talent-insight-building-stellar-team. Find out how we source top Drupal talent (*hint: Drupal camps!!), how to build company culture everyone wants to adopt and how to implement strategies to retain personnel and effectively manage your remote team. As part of NYC Camp July 12-15 @ Kimmel Center, ImageX presents the "Higher Education Summit":http://www.nyccamp.org/higher-education-summit on Monday, July 15...a full-day focus on Drupal in the Higher Education sector. Make sure to catch our Director of Technology Hank VanZile from 3:30-4pm demonstrating our one-of-a-kind platform called "OpenEDU":http://imagexmedia.com/openedu. It’s our open-source framework – the ultimate answer for modular, changeable, a la carte web options that allow you to pick and choose the functionality so you can concentrate on engaging, enrolling and retaining students. We’d love to have you join us. To participate in any of these free events, make sure to click the links above and register. See you there!
Last Updated

16 March, 2016

Reading time

3 mins