This year DrupalCon North America took place in Baltimore Maryland. The event was positively charged with optimism and enthusiasm. The ImageX team presented a couple of sessions to packed out audiences, and co-presented with our good friends at Trinity University. If you didn’t get to take part at DrupalCon the presentations are now on YouTube! This Time, It’s Personalized: Preparing your site Many sites are focused on two key goals: improved conversions and improved user experience. Web personalization has the potential to significantly increase performance on both. Presented by: Bjorn Thomson Biting Off Exactly What You Can Chew The typical profile of a web project consists of: one ‘mega-project’ to renovate the design, content, and site architecture; followed by a Phase II (which is where we put things that we don’t have time or money to put into Phase I). That is, if Phase II ever happens. Presented by: Bjorn Thomson & Jeanna Balreira (Trinity University)
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