Vladimir Selivanov
After graduating from the National Technical University of Ukraine, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, with an Honour’s Master’s Degree, Vladimir started working as a project manager in Ukrainian and French companies. The project management experience he obtained gave him an understanding of customer needs and a comprehensive view of each project.
Vladimir has always been a big fan of sports like football, long-distance running and hiking. In 2009 he became a co-founder of a web project focusing on a healthy lifestyle and joined its development team three years later. Now it is one of the most popular Ukrainian websites dedicated to healthy lifestyles. While working on this project, Vladimir found advantages in all open source systems, especially Drupal.
Since 2015 Vladimir has been developing projects on Drupal CMF for Dutch agencies and individual clients. He has experience creating multilingual content projects, webshop networks and internal databases, as well as APIs and payment gateway integration. Vladimir prefers to spend free time with his wife, going to the gym, hiking and snowboarding in the Carpathian Mountains. In the upcoming years, he plans to explore Africa and reach the top of Kilimanjaro!