Federation of Canadian Municipalities Case Study

<span>Federation of Canadian Municipalities</span>
 Case Study Image


The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) represents Canada's municipalities in their interactions with other levels of government and manages a federally-funded infrastructure investment fund that helps municipalities build resilient and sustainable infrastructure, with over one billion dollars of projects.

We worked with the team to build two new sites - the main FCM and the Green Municipal Fund (GMF), rebuilt through a Pantheon migration. We worked to implement additional features and functionality, as well as fix any pre-existing bugs and errors.

What They Needed

We were approached to take over the development of a new website from a previous vendor, which had the potential of missing its target launch date. The client needed solutions for the bugs and errors while also developing new features and functionality, within a short timeline as the project had already been significantly delayed. 

How We Helped

We built a new website with a full migration and upgraded from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 while fixing the existing bugs and developing additional features. Because of the positive partnership established, FCM continues to expand the scope of the partnership to include additional services such as enhancements and consultation, analytics, SEO, and tracking of KPIs.

Our team continues to provide rapid response to urgent deployments and implements programs through scheduled releases, with compliance to government requirements and timeframes.

Words from
the client

“ImageX's communication is phenomenal, and they are clearly dedicated to this project's success. Their focus is on retaining clients long-term and it shows, as we're thrilled to continue working with them on any other Drupal website development in the future.”

- Project Manager

The Results

The website launched on time with ongoing support and we continue to develop new features while measuring site performance through KPI dashboards.

Streamlining GMF and layout builder allowed for smoother internal editing processes and independent content changes.