A Better Website For Better Transparency

May 26 2009
Can oil, gas and mineral extraction transform struggling economies and reduce widespread poverty? The "Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative":http://www.eiti.org (EITI) believes so, and is committed to setting a global standard for transparency in oil, gas and mining – industries that can be the key to generating large revenues, fostering growth and reducing poverty in nations rich in natural resources. Of course, an organization committed to transparency needs a transparent, easily accessible website that provides quick and clear access to mountains of information. ImageX Media was called in for this job, and "www.eiti.org":http://www.eiti.org was born. In creating EITI we had to walk the fine line between creating a website sophisticated enough to handle large amounts of information (including videos, a blog, news items, newsletter archive, an events calendar, and a large searchable resource library) and yet simple enough to work quickly and effectively on older computers using lower bandwidth for site visitors from developing nations. The new site achieves this goal – and help the EITI achieve theirs of greater transparency across the extractive industries sector.
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