Onward and upward: our bright and shiny new office
We have seen the light! Literally. We’ve spent the last 10 years working in the beautiful, oceanside community of South Surrey in an office space that was super cool, but admittedly, a little dark. Some might even call it dungeon-esque. And with our business and team growing, we were packed in like a bunch of peas in an iPod. So it’s with great excitement that we announce our move to a bright and shiny new office in Burnaby. We have twice as much room to stretch our legs and our minds, and we’re soaking in the Vitamin D that comes streaming in the large windows. We’d love to have you come for a visit! Here’s a preview of the new duds:
Where we make our first impressions:
Have a seat (and a candy)!
Where all the big decisions are made (the office of the prez):
Ok, this is REALLY where all the big decisions are made (the boardroom):
The Apple Store (er ... I mean, our workstations):
The view from above:
Jenny slaving over yet another RFP (or is that Facebook I see open?):
Brandon's special friend:
Johannes blocking out the rest of the world:
Shea listening intently to Ben ... or not:
Vanessa walking a client through their new site:
A meeting of the minds:
Vanessa leading a Lunch & Learn:
Yuriy illustrating choice pics of his teammates:
Alex showing off his Brazilian soccer skills:
Tom and Jenny refueling their creativity:
Where the most important company decisions are made:
Our GM Chris at the helm:
As you can see, we’re quite enamoured with our new space and we love to show it off! Although we miss being close to the ocean, our team members certainly don’t miss the commute. Our new office is located in a great area in a central location, made even better by the plethora of lunch options just across the street. But don’t just take our word for it – swing by and see for yourself. We’ll even let you sit in the massage chair. ^Photos by "Kim Bellavance Photographe":http://www.kimbellavance.com/^