Getting Hired at ImageX - What You Need to Know

ImageX Team Photo At ImageX we’re really fortunate to have a steady pool of great applicants looking to join our talented team. We’ve found that our authentic company values, paired with bright minds has created an attractive culture that is helping us build a dream team. One of the questions we hear most from applicants is about our hiring process: what’s it like, what can I expect, how can I stand out? Here you have it, all you keeners, the inside scoop to getting hired at ImageX: h2. Relationships Matter Most! In short this means that we love to make friends, stay friends, and see how that friendship can be mutually beneficial one day in the future. If you’re looking to make friends with us, here are a handful of ways to do so: ** Engage us on "Twitter":, "LinkedIn":, "Facebook":, "Google+": - Reach out, we promise to reach back. ** Use your network wisely. If you know someone on our team, whether its a first, second, or third connection - use it! Warm introductions are ??way better?? than cold ones. Plus, if we know you, we will always call you. ** Visit us. We’re tradeshow fanatics, community proud, and even put on open houses. You can find out where we’ll be and what’s happening through social media. When in doubt, email us at h2. Your Application When you’re ready to apply for a position at ImageX, you’ll start off by filling out an online application. If you’re unsure which job to apply for but you ??really want to connect??, fill out our "Open Application": Your application is super important - beef it up to make sure that you catch our eye and stand out from the crowd. Here are some hints: * *What Makes Me Unique:* This unconventional 140 character box is the first thing our HR Coordinator sees when you apply with us. This is a chance to showcase your personality, your achievements, your sense of humour, anything else that you think shows off you. Here are some of our favourites.... ** "Sangeeta Ben": said, “Sangeeta [sang-ee-ta] n 1. An energetic people leader. 2. Communicates clearly and effectively, using a variety of platforms, including social media” ** "Brett Burns": said, “#shamelessselfpromoting - I've toured across the county in a rock band. I've hiked to Machu Picchu. I always strive for greatness. I never give up.” ** "Hank VanZile": said, “I am disruptive. I always ask ‘why?’ My least favourite response is: ‘we’ve always done it this way.’ I make a difference. I also roast my own coffee.” ** "Adam Brown": said, “I truly believe that no matter how great, or how many times something has been done there is always a way to do it better and that's what I do.” ** "Emma Irwin": said, “I believe a committed,collaborative community can change the world. If I had a clone, I would have my clone build something like:” ** "Angela Dion": said, “No one calls me by my first name. Anyone that has met or worked with me creates a nickname based on a trait or personality they think fits best.” * *Social Media Matters* We are all over social media, we love it! Depending on the job you’re applying for, how much your social presence matters will depend. Rule of thumb: you should at least have a LinkedIn profile set up with a picture. LinkedIn is today’s standard for job seekers. * *Show Us You Care* Through your cover letter, resume, application, and questionnaire show us that you’ve put thought, care, and effort into it. By taking the time to answer our questions with detail, thoughtfulness, and accuracy (spelling!), you will catch our eye. Also, be sure your cover letter is addressing the right person ??and?? right company. h2. Our Workflow # New applications are reviewed daily and if you’re shortlisted from the get-go, you’ll be asked to fill out an online questionnaire. This is used to isolate your knowledge, skills, and experience, especially when it’s a technical position. # If your questionnaire is received well, you’ll be contacted for a telephone interview. This is a 15-20 minute call to discuss your application, to learn more about your experience, and to give you a chance to ask us some questions. While it’s over the phone, treat this interview as you would any other. Be prepared, have examples of accomplishments, and do your research on the job and company beforehand. # After the phone interview you will either be invited to do some technical testing, if the job is within that realm, or you’ll be invited for a face to face interview. If you’re not near Vancouver, we’ll do a video call. We like Skype. # We go through minimum two face to face interviews and in most cases expect our candidates to do a presentation in interview number two, to demonstrate public speaking and presentation skills. Why? We want our people to be thought leaders at industry events by putting on grade A presentations. # Our HR Coordinator and the hiring manager will normally conduct the first round of interviews and the second round we’ll be joined by our CEO Glenn Hilton. More often than not, our office dog Sophie will join us for the second round, too. If she sits on your lap, it means she approves. *There you have it - the insiders scoop to getting hired at ImageX!* We’re really passionate about making and sustaining great relationships so "reach out", come out to an event, and let’s start our friendship today.
Last Updated

16 March, 2016

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5 mins