ImageX Coast to Coast

Here at ImageX we've been growing like gangbusters and proud to report that we're now multi-national! That's right! Our growing team is now Coast to Coast across Canada with a crew in the United States, too. 

Working from home presents many opportunities. For instance, you could possibly work in your pajamas but it also has its share of challenges, including relationship building and feeling part of the team. 

We pride ourselves on building close bonds with all our team members and take extra measures when they're not located at HQ. We use tons of social tools like Skype, Google Hangout, Twitter, Instagram and more to keep conversations going and encourage a feeling of inclusion.

Some questions we always have for our Virtual Team are:  What's your office like? Where do you work? Are you working at the beach?

Here's the first blog post of our new series called ImageX Coast to Coast! Our first spotlight goes to Danny Joris, our Maritimes team mate!

ImageX: Where do you live?

Danny: "I live in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island on the east coast of Canada. Charlottetown is the birthplace of Canada. It's a small city, but it has a rich heritage and has a great culinary culture."

ImageX: Describe your workspace.

Danny: "I currently work from my home office, which I enjoy, but I might look into renting an office space in the future. My home office doesn't look too interesting, but I often spot our neighbourhood foxes from the window."

ImageX: Even though you're over 6,000 kilometres away from the ImageX HQ, how do you stay in touch with the day to day happenings?

Danny: "I take every opportunity presented to join team meetings, even when they are optional, for example, weekly lunch & learns. The colleagues in the office do a great job including us virtual team members in the group discussions. Between meetings, the group chat rooms are a great way to connect with the team. I really appreciate the scheduled bi-weekly one-on-one meetings with our Director of Technology, Hank, too. 

ImageX: Since you work from home, do you stay in pajamas all day?

Danny: "I dress as I would if I were going to the office. It gets me in a good headspace to work."

ImageX: What's the best thing about working from home?

Danny: "No commute! Home made coffee! Plus, when my wife comes home from work in the summer, I can hop in the car when I'm done of work and immediately head to the beach."

ImageX: What would you say is the biggest distraction when working from home?

Danny: "Easily it's social media. That's why I often block these sites during working hours using a browser plugin."


Last Updated

16 March, 2016

Reading time

3 mins