ImageX Drupal Weekend, Lutsk 2017

ImageX team had a couple awesome reasons to spend two beautiful days in the city of Lutsk. Being a bronze supporter of DrupalCamp Lutsk 2017, our team attended the event and connected with the Ukrainian Drupal community. It was a great opportunity to learn, and gain valuable experience, and insight. The next day, ImageX together with partners AnyForSoft and DevBrunch organized a Drupal CodeSprint - another awesome event! There were more than 30 participants working on 3 tracks: OpenEDU, OpenY and Drupal 8 Core. We'd like to give a huge thanks to all attendees, and the DevBranch & AnyforSoft teams for contributing their time to make the CodeSprint such a huge success!


Andrey Postnikov led the developers in the Drupal Core track. The team worked on the issues related to the fixes of coding standards in the Drupal core, six issues in total, and one bug in functional tests. At the end of the Drupal Core CodeSprint, most of these issues passed review, and are ready for contribution into the core.


ImageX team led by Alexander Kolesnikov and Dmitry Buriak contributed development of the second phase of OpenEDU project. Among the most important tasks were implementation of the search functionality, color theme customization, and styling of the "ping-pong" widget for the categories pages. The “ping-pong” widget will allow images to go on either the left or right side of the content page with a caption on the other side.


Alexander Schedrov, and Andrii Podanenko, along with other developers worked on backlog issues during the OpenY CodeSprint tack. The OpenY CodeSprint team worked on the prototype for decoupled design architecture which should allow to decouple distribution on the design level and put templates and styles on the component/module level.
Last updated
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2 mins

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