Drupal Global Sprint Weekend 2018

This past weekend was the Drupal Global Sprint Weekend. This is a great event that is held annually throughout the world. Drupal supporters gather together and contribute to the further growth of Drupal, and give back to the open-source community. Three Ukrainian cities became satellites of the Global Drupal Sprint Weekend this year: Kyiv, Kharkiv and Lutsk. The Kyiv Sprint was organized on the initiative of Drupal Ukrainian Community represented by Anatoliy Polyakov - Door3, with key support from - Epam Systems and ImageX. Sprint tracks: Drupal core, contrib modules, migration, OpenEDU and OpenY projects, and a bunch of tasks for Drupal-newbies! The ImageX guys worked on the following tasks:
  • Integrate YMCA TC Retention Campaign with OpenY distribution.
  • Implement the searching functionality into OpenEDU.
They also worked on updating and making more convenient local development environments using Docksal for OpenY and OpenEDU distributions. A big shout out to all drupalistas who invested their time and efforts to make this event happen and to help Drupal grow. All together we created an inspiring atmosphere of coding and networking. Hooray! Some images from the weekend:   
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1 min

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