An Refresher of the SEO Basics
Some meta tags impact a domain’s search ranking visibility. Others have no affect on SEO. Meta tags are actually quite important to your digital experience. They’re invisible to visitors but they are not to search engines. Meta tags, or meta data, make it easier for search engines to figure out what your website and it’s content is about. After working with clients — specifically on their digital marketing and SEO — for nearly 2 decades, I am still surprised how many times I run an audit see empty, and duplicate meta tags.
When you neglect to optimize, manage and maintain the meta tags you’re impairing the search visibility of your digital experience. As I said earlier, not all meta tags influence your SEO ranking, but they do have a significant influence on the click through rate from the search engine results page (SERP) and on the overall user experience, which will ultimately impact your conversion goals. This is the case with the meta description. While it has little to no SEO weight, it does have significant user experience weight. The most common thread in all of this experience with clients over the years is that in most cases they just don’t know. They don’t know how influential and important meta tags are. They don’t know, or understand how to use it most effectively for SEO. This quick and easy guide to meta tags for SEO by Search Engine Watch is a great way to introduce you to meta tags.

Main Photo by Kristen MacAdams on UnsplashA quick and easy guide to meta tags in SEO | Search Engine Watch
Meta tags are invisible tags that provide data about your page to search engines and website visitors. In short, they make it easier for search engines to determine what your content is about, and thus are vital for SEO.