Getting Started With Reputation Management

Aug 29 2017
Online reputation management is still a hot topic for many organizations. Over the past 5 years there has been an avalanche of agencies and SAAS solutions offering reputation management as a service. Most organizations are aware that consumers start their purchasing journey online with research, and reading of online reviews. Typically reputation management has been viewed as something that is more of a concern for B2C companies than for their B2B counterparts, but that is not the case. There is a shift in the purchasing behaviour of B2B organizations. A 2014 study by Google and Millward Brown Digital, found that:
  • 89 percent of B2B researchers use the internet during the B2B research process
  • nearly half of all B2B researchers are millennials
Online reputation management isn’t just a subset of public relations and it’s much more than just social media monitoring - a bad reputation can have a serious impact on the bottom line. There’s an overwhelming amount of information available online to help understand reputation management and how to form an effect strategy, this Definitive Guide to Online Reputation Management article on the Kissmetrics blog is a great place to start. Main photo credit: Photo by Laura College on Unsplash
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