Win an UNLOCKED iPhone 4 at DrupalCon 2011!
Hi there! For all you Drupal lovers who'll be at DrupalCon 2011 in Chicago: Achtung, baby! We're having a little contest, and the lucky winner will get an unlocked iPhone 4!! Participation is easy: h3. How it works *To be eligible:* * The winner must be a DrupalCon attendee. * Tweets must be sent to "@imagex_media": with a #DrupalCon hashtag. * Only your first 3 tweets will be considered (we're not wanting a spamfest... QUALITY is what counts) * Contest ends on Thursday, March 10 at 3:30 PM (CST). A panel of Drupal experts will decide on the most _entertaining, engaging_ and/or _educational_ tweet throughout the conference. The winner will get a brand new unlocked 16 GB iPhone 4. If you need a creative spark, here are some recent examples from Twitter:
After we announce the winning tweet, we'll be following up to share some of the coolest sites we discovered. h3. Why a contest? Nine of us ImageX-ers are coming to DrupalCon, and we're pretty amped about it. We're looking forward to connecting with some of our favorite clients aWin an UNLOCKED iPhone 4 at DrupalCon 2011!nd friends from shops all around the world. So we thought, "Hey, what better way to share our excitement than offer a cool, fun giveaway?" If you're at DrupalCon, be sure to come by **Booth 37** and say hi! h3. Sessions ImageX will be presenting at Drupalcon "Strategies for Client Management": Presenter: "Vanessa Turke "Resourcing for Drupal – Insight into Building a Stellar Team": Presenter: Glenn Hilton h3. ImageX Drupalcon Updates If you'd like to stay abreast of what we're up to throughout the week, follow us on "Twitter": or on "Facebook":