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2017 Web Design Trends

In web design and development, technology moves rapidly and heavily influences trends in the industry. New trends are continually emerging and almost impossible to keep up with. Here are 5 key web design trends in 2017 that we feel are noteworthy.

Responsive First Approach to Design Responsive design is not something that is new to web design and we expect it will play a larger role in 2017 than it has in previous years. Responsive design is the approach to design that uses CSS media queries and flexible layouts. The ‘responsive first’ approach simply means designing for the smallest screen first and then working up from there. Website owners will have one website that delivers content based on the device that is being used. This approach really is an evolution of the ‘mobile first’ concept and truly focuses on user experience. Gone are the days of one set of pages for desktop and another for mobile.

Design for Conversion At the core of this idea is minimalism. For years, web design has typically included elements that actually took attention away from the content. The minimalist approach to design is becoming more prominent and you will see more of it in 2017. Design will focus on:

  • drawing attention to the content making it easier to consume.
  • moving users towards the conversion goal in a clean and natural way.

Designers will pay more attention to the audience, the actions they take on the website, and the context in which they are using the website.

Microinteractions Microinteractions will be a big focus in 2017. These microinteractions can come in many forms from pinning, retweeting, to liking and swiping. A single microinteraction on it’s own can be negligible, but together they can have a huge impact on the overall user experience. When executed well on your website they inspire action and move the user towards the conversion goal. They can also create almost addictive habit loops that keep people engaging with your content and website.

Typography This year, you will see a bold use of typography in web design. Everything from custom fonts to personality of typeface. The overall focus is still on the content and there are two major considerations when it comes to typography: A diverse lists of devices must be considered when choosing what font to use in your design. With over 70% of US adults using smartphones, it’s imperative the font you use is clearly visible on different smartphone screens. A third consideration is could be, when does size come into play? Bigger sized fonts can help convey a powerful message in a way that doesn’t seem overly repulsive to users. On the other hand, smaller text allows your brand to better display a highlighted product or service so that the focus is visually set. The trend for 2017? Either go big or go small, the middle ground is slowly going out of fashion. Spend time with your marketing team and see which type will fit best with the brand image you are trying to present.

Design Sprints Design sprints are well-known to product design teams, and will become more popular for with web design teams in 2017. As more companies realize their websites need constant attention, the concept of time-constrained, multi-phased design projects will become more appealing because they help to minimize risk when launching new services or products on a website. There are far too many web design trends to list in a single article, but we think these 5 trends are most significant in 2017 and compliment each other in achieving an optimal user experience through web design.

Last Updated

8 June, 2021

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3 mins