The Agency Heartbeat
One of our single most important KPIs is our Client Satisfaction Score (CSAT). As a web agency, we are at our core, a services-based business, delivering web strategy, design, development and marketing to the clients we are fortunate enough to work with.
I’m often asked, “What makes ImageX different? Why should I choose you over another agency?” My answer never changes. I tell them to pick an agency who has the skills they need and has worked in their sector — there will be plenty to choose from. I then tell them to pick a partner whose culture, processes and communication aligns with theirs — again, there will be plenty to choose from. Once all those boxes have been ticked they have a short-list of candidates. I tell them to talk to at least five clients that have worked each of the candidates — the ones they’ve been working with the longest AND shortest. Finally, I tell them to ask the candidates what challenges they had, and how they were overcome. Every project has challenges, big or small. If you’re promised otherwise, move on; you’re being lied to. What you really want is a partner who isn’t afraid of challenges, and prides themselves on how they overcome them and STILL managed to create a raving fan. Once you’ve found an agency that can deliver that, you’ve found a partner.
“To give real service you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity.” Douglas AdamsBack in 2015 we discovered an organization that was helping to rate web agencies like ours. While most companies that reviewed agency work would take sponsorship dollars for higher rankings this organization didn’t. At the time was just starting their journey, and to us they really represented the first credible and trustworthy source of independently vetted client reviews. Clutch has grown rapidly, and recently updated their rankings across more than 400 different categories. They use sophisticated algorithms based on client responses in four areas of a project — Schedule, Cost, Quality and Willingness to Refer. They also take into consideration the type and size of the client project. With 23 client Clutch reviews and a 4.9/5 Clutch Agency Score, we're proud to announce that ImageX is ranked #1 agency in a number of categories.
ImageX #1 Agency - 2017
- Drupal Development (Global)
- PHP Development (Global)
- Custom Software Development (Vancouver)
- Web Development (Canada)
- Web Development (Ukraine)