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DrupalCon and ImageX are Going to London

After conquering the White House, Drupal has set its sights on Buckingham Palace.

Join ImageX at DrupalCon London to exchange ideas, learn, and share, and help us give back to the community by voting for our proposed sessions below. Voting closes May 25th, so set down your tea and crumpets and cast your ballot for the sessions you want to attend!

DRUPAL ON A DIME - You already know Drupal is capable of doing almost anything... for a price. But what about those looking to leverage Drupal on a tight budget and timeline? Is it possible to build a kick-butt site on a dime and deploy it at warp speed without sacrificing quality? (i.e. “Can I have my cake and eat it too?”) The goals of this session are threefold:

1. We will debunk some of the common myths about Drupal design and development. For example, we’ll debunk the idea that custom-built is always better.

2. Borrowing a page from Lean Manufacturing, we’ll present a new way of thinking about web design and development that will allow you to achieve higher quality, at lower costs and record speeds.

3. We’ll provide you with some practical tips for planning your next project. For example, “How do I decide what features I need?” and “How can I make the most efficient use of my designer's time?”

DRUSH IN EVERY DAY DEVELOPMENT - Want to clear only the theme cache? Want to quickly download that latest development version of views? Want to revert all your features at once? Want to get a copy of the production DB to your development system? If you are thinking of using your browser for any of the above tasks chances are that you’re wasting precious time you could spend doing things that are actually fun. Drush to the rescue of time and sanity!

Drush is not a module, it’s a “command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those of us who spend some of our working hours hacking away at the command prompt.” [Quote from drupal.org/project/drush]

In this session we present a number of Drush commands that will help you speed up your daily administration and development processes. I will also go over a real-life example of how Drush helped to migrate a multisite installation (+150 sites) from D6 to D7. I will also touch on the power of Drush make files.

If you haven’t heard about Drush and don’t get nightmares when you hear the phrases “command line”, “prompt” or “terminal” then this session is for you. If you are already using Drush, this session might give you a couple of more ideas on what you can do with it. *Interested in either of the above sessions? Cast your vote before May 25th!*

Last Updated

12 May, 2021

Reading time

3 mins