404 Not Found Pages: Examples and Tips

When a page no longer exists on your site, a visitor will see a 404 page. But too many 404 “Not Found” pages don’t provide any way to reach your site, and are “dead pages” like this:

Not very friendly, is it?

Tip #1: Have a custom 404 page.

Target provides an explanation of why the error may have occurred, provides a quick link to the home page, and even markets a bit with its Gift Card call-to-action.

Northern Tool provides multiple destinations as well as the regular navigation you’d normally find on the site.

Tip #2: Link back into the site, at least to your home page.

This is especially important when another site has linked to you with an incorrect URL (maybe missing a character) — the visitor may not be familiar with your site and here’s your chance to introduce them to your brand.

Golfsmith uses a search box in addition to an explanation and link to the home page:

Tip #3: Include a search box.

Now this is interesting… Busted Tees shows off its wares on its 404 page, and links back to its catalog. It’s almost like a home page – it engages the visitor right away and gives them compelling reasons to stick around.

Tip #4 – Show something interesting – products, content, pictures, a joke, something.

Urban Outfitters makes me laugh:

Tip #5 – Show some personality, if it makes sense for your market.

But avoid fluffy language and all upper case letters. Burberry takes fancy words too far, and shouts them:

Have you come across an excellent 404 page? Have a tip to add? Please share in the comments.

Linda Bustos is an eCommerce Analyst for Elastic Path Software, a Java eCommerce software platform for online retailers. Linda blogs daily about Internet Marketing for online retail at the “Get Elastic eCommerce Blog”:http://www.getelastic.com/.

Last Updated

5 February, 2021

Reading time

2 mins